I am a fantasy football machine! I am NUMBER ONE in my league. My poor husband is still hanging out in the bottom half, but I am on my way to sweet, sweet victory. I don't know what it is, since the last two years I played fantasy I ended up pretty low, but this year has been awesome for me. The first few weeks I thought it was just luck, but my guys have been consistently good. My draft strategy of absolutely no research until an hour before has really payed off.
Gloating aside, the only other semi-interesting news I have to share is that I got a haircut yesterday. Once again, I let it get WAAAYY too long in-between cuts. Well, part of the problem was that it was so long last time I got it cut that they didn't quite cut it short enough to begin with. That is NOT the case this time. It's shorter than it's been in a long while, and I really like it. I still have to hop in the shower and really style it today, but when I do, I'll come back and post a picture. I'll just have to figure out a way to secure it while I am running since a ponytail is pretty stubby and silly-looking now. (And on the subject of rain...please stay dry until noon so I can go out and run today before work. Please.)
Finally, even though I'm beginning to lose hope that I'll ever get updated on track, here are a couple more of my scrapbook pages. (I'm thinking that if I'm still this behind at the end of the year - which is definitely possible with lots of extra time to scrap while Adam is deployed - that I'll just have one gigantic post with all of the leftover pages so I can start fresh in 2010. I can dream at least.)
The papers that I used on this page are not very thick or strong, so it kind of ended up a little battered. Overall, I still like it because I think it complements the picture of Adam in Cyprus pretty well. Again, the title is a little rough because I handcut it, but that's OK.
I used this sketch from the Bella Blvd. blog (say that 3 times fast) for my 2nd Christmas page. Looking at it now, the white shape looks kind of plain and the title looks a little disconnected from everything else, but I'm just my own worst critic.
This page and these photos make me smile every time. My journaling reads, "It's very difficult to get a good picture of us after Adam has been drinking and popped some popcorn." So true.
6 years ago
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