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I am a fantasy football machine! I am NUMBER ONE in my league. My poor husband is still hanging out in the bottom half, but I am on my way to sweet, sweet victory. I don't know what it is, since the last two years I played fantasy I ended up pretty low, but this year has been awesome for me. The first few weeks I thought it was just luck, but my guys have been consistently good. My draft strategy of absolutely no research until an hour before has really payed off.
Gloating aside, the only other semi-interesting news I have to share is that I got a haircut yesterday. Once again, I let it get WAAAYY too long in-between cuts. Well, part of the problem was that it was so long last time I got it cut that they didn't quite cut it short enough to begin with. That is NOT the case this time. It's shorter than it's been in a long while, and I really like it. I still have to hop in the shower and really style it today, but when I do, I'll come back and post a picture. I'll just have to figure out a way to secure it while I am running since a ponytail is pretty stubby and silly-looking now. (And on the subject of rain...please stay dry until noon so I can go out and run today before work. Please.)
Finally, even though I'm beginning to lose hope that I'll ever get updated on track, here are a couple more of my scrapbook pages. (I'm thinking that if I'm still this behind at the end of the year - which is definitely possible with lots of extra time to scrap while Adam is deployed - that I'll just have one gigantic post with all of the leftover pages so I can start fresh in 2010. I can dream at least.)
The papers that I used on this page are not very thick or strong, so it kind of ended up a little battered. Overall, I still like it because I think it complements the picture of Adam in Cyprus pretty well. Again, the title is a little rough because I handcut it, but that's OK.I used this sketch from the Bella Blvd. blog (say that 3 times fast) for my 2nd Christmas page. Looking at it now, the white shape looks kind of plain and the title looks a little disconnected from everything else, but I'm just my own worst critic.This page and these photos make me smile every time. My journaling reads, "It's very difficult to get a good picture of us after Adam has been drinking and popped some popcorn." So true.
So, Adam left early this morning for a week-long TDY. Football Sunday just won't be the same without him. At least I've got some people from work coming over in the evening, so cleaning up the house and making up some food will keep me busy. For the rest of the week, it'll be more of the same since I'll be cleaning up for my mom and dad's visit (they'll be on their way this time next week, whoa). I also have to keep up my running and enjoy the quiet time/scrapbooking time since I probably won't have a long stretch like this until Adam leaves for his 2 month deployment.
Not much else to report because all I did last night was work one of the most boring shifts ever at the Hallmark store. Nothing to do, no customers, and Toby and I were both deeply tired. It's a miracle we made it to 9pm.
I've got a couple more pages from August (before the move) to share before I head out the door to walk Skeletor. He'll be much more willing to just chill with me on the couch and watch football later if we go out for a walk now.
This page is not actually as crooked as my photo makes it seem. The rest of its flaws are, however, real. I mean, I like the photo and the idea of that title, but I feel like nothing on the page goes together really well. But I'd still rather put this in my album than start from scratch again.I'm pretty happy with this simple page about Adam's Grandma and Grandpa Borla from Christmas last year. I think I used a sketch, but it's been such a long time I can't remember where I got it from now. Maybe from this Canadian website? I like to end on a good note, and this is my favorite of the three pages. I loved this page when I found it online, and I pretty much copied it exactly for my page about Adam's fraternity. The white, gold and blue are the fraternity's colors, and I added the red for just a little bit of "pop." The only thing I don't like is the roughness of the letters in the title because I hand-cut them. I wish they looked more smooth and sleek.
If I could control the weather, I would ask for about a million more days like today. Except for maybe the crazy rain in the morning. After that, it was simply amazing. I had a great time walking Skeletor in the afternoon and running in the evening was SO pleasant. Well, the weather part at least. The running part was a little rough, but that's what makes it so satisfying when I'm finished: that it was hard and I did it anyway.
Beyond the walk and the run, I didn't accomplish much today other than finally watching Step Brothers with Adam. Apparently we were the last two 24-year-olds on earth who hadn't seen it. It was better than I expected for a movie with such a ridiculous premise.
All-in-all though, I'm going to have to say it was a great day. Adam is leaving for a TDY exercise for the next week and I'll miss him and days like today. So now it's time to brush my teeth and snuggle him in bed. I've got some layouts to post, too, since I realized these are still from my August folder of pictures. I'm not sure I'll ever get caught up.
This is a fun page from our trip to Las Vegas in 2006. Not a whole lot of patterned paper, but the bold colors are more than enough. I love Uncle John's face in the first picture.I'm pretty positive I used a sketch for this one, but I can't find it in my bookmarks right now. All off the paper came from a coordinating stack (how easy is that), and I cut the "$8" with my Slice. The story of Adam's wooden sword from Budapest was too priceless not to document.Here's another (relatively) old picture: me on our honeymoon in 2007. This was the longest zipline we rode and the only one that Adam had time to take my picture after he was already unloaded at the back end. That was a really cool experience.
If you've made it this far, congratulations and thanks for looking. Good night.
I had begun to lose hope that this day would ever arrive here in Florida, but finally it seems like autumn has arrived. I'm currently curled up in my desk chair wearing sweatpants and hoodie while Skeletor is cuddled in the blanket on our bed. Yes folks, for the first time in God only know how many months, we actually needed something more than a sheet overnight. I'm excited. Fall is my favorite season. My biggest hope would be that the weather stays like this until April when it warms up for spring and just skips over winter. That's not that outrageous in Florida, so we'll see.
Running in the cooler air is something new for me though. I started my Couch to 5K program in April, so it had only been warm and then HOT before. I might have to look into more cool weather gear, since I'm definitely getting excited for my 2nd 5K in November. Adam said he would come out and run with me before the football game tonight. :)
I'm off today so I'm taking it easy, but kind of tidying up the house since hopefully we'll get to hang out with Briana tonight. She is coming to Pensacola to do her water survival training Tuesday-Thursday, and we're hoping to spend most of the evenings while she's here together. Yay! I think James is going to come over tonight, too, so it'll be a mini-reunion. memories....
Anyway, I'm about to go search for some lunch, but first I'll upload some pages I've still got clogging up my computer.
These pictures are from WAYYYY back (you know, Christmas 2007). I LOVE pictures of baby Skeletor. I think I used one of the sketches at Pink Sketches, but I don't have it bookmarked so I don't remember which one.See? I told you I love pictures of baby Skeletor. This one is funny because he's wearing a t-shirt that we couldn't resist buying (it said "naughty" on the back - too appropriate), and it was the first time we realized that our cute little puggle was a little too thick in the middle for dog clothes. Since then, his wardrobe has mostly consisted of the occasional bandana.I used a bunch of scraps I had left-over on this page. I like it, but it's a little matchy-matchy. I really like the picture of Mom and Dad wearing headsets in Adam's SIM complex, though.
Alright, tummy is growling so I guess I'd better get in the kitchen.
Extremely weird night.Adam is on his way home from Logan's bachelor party. They had to cut the night short because some of the guys they went out with (on a converted school bus turned party bus no less) got too drunk and sick. That left only 4 guys in the expensive bus. At least that's what I know right now. It should be interesting to sort all of this out in the morning when people are (hopefully) more coherent.I had a good night anyways. The guys started the night grillling out and drinking at Mike Pierce's house, so his girlfriend Lauren and I met two other girlfriends and had a fun night out just hanging at TGI Fridays. It's good to spend some time with girls and talk about our silly boys and the way things are in the military. Lauren, Beth and I are all gearing up to deal with our first deployment, so it's good to know that other people are in the same boat.
Tomorrow's going to be a full day. I plan on running the morning (race training, woo!), then I have to work from 12-6:30, and finally, I have to watch my Bears beat the crap out of the Falcons on Sunday night football. Hopefully I'll be back with an update on Monday and maybe even a couple scrapbook pages.
Ok, I am SERIOUSLY behind in posting layouts here. Since I only have a few little things to report about, I'm going to upload quite a few today.
First the news:
1. Adam's deployment date has gotten moved up again. Things should still be fine, unless they move the date up again. So, keep your fingers crossed.
2. Adam is going to hear the First Lady speak at Eglin today. I couldn't go with because I have to work tonight. :( At least I sent him with the camera.
3. I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up for another 5K on November 21st. Adam will be gone, but Will said he would come to town and run with me. Yay for races! Now I just have to get back in race shape. If I was ever in race shape....
Now to the layouts!
This is Adam cutting his birthday cake. I used this page as my inspiration, but kept it simple and I like the way it all came together. Adam's face in the second picture is priceless. And I'm pretty proud that I got away with using flowers on a page about Adam. :)I love the way this page came together with just a few scraps. I usually don't think far enough ahead to match my papers to the colors in the photos, but I think the red of my shirt and the peek of yellow from Adam's undershirt really bring the whole thing together.I shared this picture on the blog a few months ago and I finally got around to making a page about it. The page is not perfect (I don't like the crooked title), but I'm glad I saved this memory anyway.This one took some work, since I seem to be so low on red, white and blue stuff, but with this sketch and the punch-out stars I think it came out well. The labels were a free download I found somewhere online and printed on red cardstock.
Well, I think that'll about do it for me today. I'd better hop in the shower and pack up my dinner for work. I have more pages to share, but they'll have to wait for another day.
Even when you're not having fun. Even when you leave for work just when your husband is coming home from work two nights in a row.
It's not really that bad, but it's not really that fun either. In any event, time definitely appears to be flying. We've been in the new house for more than a month and we're already gearing up for Adam's mom and grandma to come visit next weeked. I feel like I JUST updated the blog, but the truth is it's been awhile.
On Tuesday night after work, Adam and I went out and RAN for the first time here in our neighborhood. It had been altogether TOO LONG. I only ran 15 minutes total in 3 intervals and was still sore the next morning. And the next morning. I wanted to run again Thursday, but since I still felt a little stiff, I decided on a walk instead. I walked to the library and back (it's about 1.5 miles from the house). It felt really good to be outside and to be doing SOMETHING instead of sitting around inside feeling sore.
I was going to maybe go out running for a little bit tonight, but Adam wants to head into Pensacola to pick up some stuff (a book for his grad class and the tennis racquet he had re-strung). I am supporting this change in schedule because there's a good chance we'll stop at Office Depot and maybe buy a desk to be my scrapbook desk. Hooray for clearing off the mess I've made on the coffee table!
Anyway, I've got just a couple older pages to share before we get in gear and get out of here. Enjoy!
These are funny pictures of Adam and Skeletor with Skelly's head buried so he looks headless. There's not much to say about the layout, it's pretty basic.This page is simple, but I like the way it turned out. I think it all works together since the picture is simple, the words I wrote are simple and the design is fairly simple. It's based on an older sketch at 52 Sketches, 52 weeks.